Pole Dance: Strength, Endurance, Dance and Sensuality in the Tube


Pole Dance: Strength, Endurance, Dance and Sensuality in the Tube - Pole Dance: Strength, Endurance, Dance and Sensuality in the TubeThe Pole Dance aka Dance Tube or Pipe Dance is acrobatic and aerobic discipline that brings strength , dancing, endurance, technique and sensuality in a bar or tube upright steel.


The routine of pole dance consists in holding the tube with one or both hands to perform athletic movements including promotions, money and investment body.

Pole Dance: Strength, Endurance, Dance and Sensuality in the Tube

The pole dance was born in the decade of the 80's in England and is famous for being one of the most popular dances in the strip clubs and cabarets.

Pole Dance: Strength, Endurance, Dance and Sensuality in the Tube

The pole dance is an exercise very complete in that work the muscles of the neck, arms , abs and legs , a good alternative to lose weight and tone the body.

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